The time has come to take the “big step”: ask for the hand of your loved one! The organization of the marriage or wedding proposal is often a source of anxiety because you want to surprise your partner, without falling into the banal or (even worse) the grotesque.

The marriage proposal has very ancient origins: born in the Middle Ages, when the wedding corresponded to real contracts stipulated between families, the act of asking one’s sweetheart in marriage has gradually transformed into a declaration of eternal love. Although it was the protagonist of a long and troubled process, today the proposal represents a romantic and unforgettable experience in the life of all future spouses.

In this article I will give you advice and original ideas for a “Will you marry me?” special!

wedding wedding proposal elopement


Centuries ago the marriage proposal was related to arranged marriage , an extremely widespread practice among the noble classes to seal alliances or extend their radius of influence over the territory. Usually it was advanced by the girl’s father, who, through a letter, asked the boy’s parents for the hand of his daughter’s future husband. The bride’s family was then responsible for organizing a reception to make the engagement official; this anniversary allowed families to get to know each other and for the fiancé to give the ring to his future wife. In the rare cases in which the two boys loved each other, it was customary for the young man to ask her father for her damsel’s hand, as a sign of respect towards her parents.

Over the years, the goals achieved by female emancipation have eclipsed this custom , considered highly chauvinist. Today, in most countries, it is permissible to propose without first asking permission from the girlfriend’s family, although arranged marriage still exists in some cultures.


Good manners teach that there can be no marriage proposal without… the ring! The diamond solitaire is certainly “the classic” par excellence but other types are also permitted or even the family ring: handed down from generation to generation, this jewel also represents the wish for a long and lasting love, just as it is status for those who have worn it previously.

Once you have found the right ring, you will have to think about how to create a memorable marriage proposal, studied down to the smallest detail. As hard as it is to hide your plans from the girl you share everything with, it will be worth it! She will probably feel an “air of proposal” but rest assured that she will want to remain in the dark until the end.

Make sure you choose a date that allows you time to plan the proposal as best as possible. Usually, from the proposal to the wedding, about a year or little more passes; therefore, one possibility to decide “when to propose” is to consider the possible period of the year in which you know that she would like to get married, avoiding sad anniversaries. The date on which you ask for the hand of your sweetheart should be special and deserves its own exclusivity.

Another aspect not to be underestimated concerns the time of day in which you have planned to make the proposal: think of a time/day of total relaxation. It would be inappropriate to kneel at her feet when she is hungry, tired or in a hurry. Furthermore, after accepting the proposal, your girl will be over the moon and may want to immediately communicate the good news to her loved ones! You will understand that it would be difficult for her if she had a work appointment or an essential commitment within a few minutes.

Another dilemma that torments many men: intimate or dramatic marriage proposal ? According to etiquette, this moment must remain private, away from prying and curious eyes as it represents a promise exchanged only between the two lovers. If you prefer to opt for a public proposal, make sure you obtain the necessary municipal permits, especially if particular installations or special effects are planned for public areas. At the “key” moment you will kneel in front of your beloved, take her by the hand, proclaiming your love, take her ring out of your pocket and hand it to her with the box already open waiting for the answer!

wedding wedding proposal elopementORIGINAL IDEAS FOR THE MARRIAGE PROPOSAL

The main fear of future spouses is that of falling into the banal and not being able to ask for your partner’s hand in an original way without distorting the personality of the couple.

Don’t worry: below you will find some ideas that might inspire you!

  • A special place : the place where you met or that place where everything was born, perhaps on the day of your anniversary. Remembering some particular anecdote, creating a common thread that retraces your love story, will make the atmosphere even more touching!
  • During a trip : give her a trip to her favorite city or to that destination you have always wanted to visit. Once you arrive at your destination and find the right moment, ask her to spend the rest of your life together. You will already be in the perfect place for a romantic getaway;
  • A serenade at home : if you have an “old-time” soul, or even better, if you know how to play an instrument, you can think of a serenade that will leave your loved one speechless! How can I say no to you, after such a passionate proposal?
  • With a four-legged friend : if you are an animal lover and have a dog, turn him into your “special postman” for the delivery of the engagement ring! Tears and smiles as she says “Yes, I do” will be guaranteed!
  • At the cinema : rent a room, involve colleagues and people that your partner doesn’t know (and who will act as “extras”) and start a video created for the occasion on the screen, in which you are the protagonists! Surprise effect and affirmative response guaranteed in this case too;
  • An advertising space : buy space in a magazine that she reads regularly or on a news website that she consults every day. You could ask the editorial staff to write an article telling your love story, at the end of which the question “Will you marry me?” would appear. Your sweetheart will be amazed and in terms of originality, it is a truly unconventional proposal.

WHAT IS STILL MISSING? Your videomaker who will film every single moment, expression and emotion and make everything eternal!

From wedding proposals at high altitude to those by the sea, at the museum, on a hot air balloon or in the most evocative European cities, the possibilities and methods are many but remember that, to create an original proposal, even a possible scenography will carefully organized in order to create the perfect context to open your heart with an unforgettable statement!